Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's Broken..

I hand to you my heart,
My love.
I know we aren't together but you made it yours.

I only ask that you be careful with it,
Don't dropp it.
Don't let it crack anymore then it already did from us parting.

It's like glass now,
Fragile and somewhat broken.
Only you can mind it again,
But that’s if you want.
Just don't let it shatter again.

It’s cracked cause I put it back together as best as I could.
Which isn't all that good,
But it will work for now.
For the most part it's fixed,
Accept for the cracks that only you can heal.

For now that's it...
That all I wanted to say and I love you...

Oh and one more thing.
Don't let it get to cold,
Or the angel will die,
But I’m sure you won't.

dear friends,

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart,
forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to who you open you heart to.

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